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In this collection, meet the heroes and heroines overcoming their fears and rising against the odds to accomplish their dreams in the outdoors.
This year’s Human Spirit collection includes:

Made refugees by the war in Ukraine, Olga and her granddaughter, Milana, travel to a summer mountaineering camp in the Austrian Alps where they test the limits of bravery and the bonds between them.
Dir. Max Lowe
US / 32’

A youth group from Bristol stand on both sides of the camera as they reflect on their adventures in the Welsh countryside. Staff members become interviewees, the woodland a canvas, and sandy beaches a prime scene for aerial cinematography. This is a film that celebrates young people, access to the outdoors, and the craft of documentary filmmaking.
Dir. Mark Vaughan
UK / 12’

In the wake of food supply chain disruption, climate crisis, and the lack of chemical free produce, people are turning to growing their own food. There couldn’t be a more important time than now to reclaim our power and become more self-sufficient.
Dir. Charlie Wood
UK / 22’

FREYA (World Premiere)
Not your typical family holiday, but this is not your typical family. Leo Houlding, his wife Jess, their two children Freya (9yrs) and Jackson (5yrs) climb Norway's national mountain via a 2000ft big wall.
Dir. Natasha Brooks
UK / 4'

Outdoors enthusiast Charlie shows remarkable strength and optimism during her recovery from a car accident with the help of her biggest supporter - her fiancé, Liam.
Dir. Robbie McHugh
UK / 9’

Along with Aneela McKenna of Mor Diversity, Alice Lemkes, Lee Craigie and Philippa Battye of The Adventure Syndicate, reimagine the fun women in the past would have had pushing boundaries by transforming socially acceptable clothing into radical sports and activewear.
Dir. Alice Lemkes
UK / 22’

Presented by Pertex.